Three hundred years after the legendary adventures of Luke and Leia Skywalker and the struggles of the Rebels to reform the Galactic Republic, the galaxy is much the same, but there have been a few changes.

Most notable of these is that the ranks of the Jedi Order have risen into the thousands once more, yet there are still too few to quell the tide of threats and conspiracies against the people of the Republic. There seems to be no end of would-be despots and ten-a-penny dictators who would undermine and destroy what has been built, but all this is of little concern to Kaz Maekon anymore...

As a child Kaz was well on his way to greatness not only as a skilled warrior, but in the deeper aspects of the Force. Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond his control Kaz was forced out of the Order he was born to be a part of.

Kaz Maekon left with contempt in his heart.

Though his training was cut short, Kaz Maekon has still led a life of adventure living off his wits and skills, but recently his life has once again cross paths with the Jedi Order. Can this reckless youth exist so near those who rejected them, or will his short temperament explode in the Galaxy's face?

What happens to a Jedi who leaves the Order?

What happens to a Jedi who's not good, not bad, just rogue?